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Monday, January 24, 2011

Deal with it

So, we broke up. I asked for it. 
Right now there is only a gap,which pretty much means that I have been avoiding to think about it and it's been three days since it happened. I also haven't told anyone. 
Nobody,at all.
And I'm not even sure why. I guess I've been thinking that once you share it with someone then it's more real you know?
And you know what's the funniest think?I think she's dealing with it in a much healthier way than me. Her first reaction was like denining it,then she was angry and then... I don't know because I haven't seen her yet or spoken to her on the phone.
The thing is that for the past month or so I felt totally neglected like she would never be there for me even if I needed to be with her more than anything.I know how selfish this sounds and it probably is but this is how it has been for me. I've gone through one of the most important exams so far all by myself and God knows I needed some support and some sympathy to help me cope with all this madness. 
But no, she was too busy trying to keep everyone away because, hat's the phase she's going through right now, and does she know why?I don't believe so,I feel so tired, and whats going on in her head right now is like I dunno, a skein and I don't even know how to start unwrapping it, how to get to the center of all her sadness.
So I stay here, keeping my thoughts to myself, measuring my strength until I have the energy to deal with this break up in the appropriate way.