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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

φοιτητική ζωή

Πόσα έχεις ακούσει...
Πόσα περίμενες...
Πόσοι έκατσαν με βλέμμα ζήλειας να σου πουν τώρα είναι η μοναδική σου ευκαιρία...τώρα κοίτα να περάσεις καλά...τα καλύτερα σου χρόνια και ξέρω γω
Ντάξει...τόσες ευκαιρίες, τόσος κόσμος, τόσα πράγματα: ποτά,σχέσεις φίλοι, δοκιμές
Πότε δεν θα ξαναυπάρξουν όλα στα πόδια σου, ένα κλίκ μακριά από σένα, έτσι να, να κάνεις με το χέρι σου και τα 'φτασες.
Κάτι τέτοια σε πίανουν τη χρονιά που ξέρεις οτι δε μπορεί, πρέπει να ναι η τελευταία σου...και που να πας μετά από τέτοια πόλη...και που να ξαναγυρνάς στο πατρικό και κάπως έτσι...
Μην τρελαθούμε....είναι στενόμυαλος ο κόμσος, και οι μικρές ελληνικές κοινωνίες ζόρικες....με κριτικό μάτι που όλα τα διαπερνά και στόμα απλά τεράστιο
Και είναι φάσεις που ξέρεις οτι δεν θα σου τελειώσουν με το που τελειώσει η σχολή, αλλά από την άλλη ξέρεις οτι δεν σε πέρνει και στην πόλη σου να τα κάνεις όλα αυτά.
Οπότε τι κάνεις;
Πακέτο ε; και αδιέξοδο λιγάκι

Friday, February 18, 2011

See how it goes

it's been almost a month since the brake up,
about two weeks since it happened I finally, talked to my friends about it, well not all of them of course,just the two that were there.
It was a relief, sharing that is. When I talked about it and about the reasons I asked for this break up it felt right, it felt that finally I could move on.
And I did, short of.
We talked several times on the phone with my ex and I've got to admit than being in two towns 50 kms apart helped.I wasn't thinking about her much and even flirted a little bit during the holidays,not much just for the fun of it you know.
 I guess what I really wanted to share here was this: After quite a long time I finally don't have this feeling of being at the bottom of the tub,being stuck,being full of problems you feel me??And this is the only thing that might be suggesting that I'm better off alone,without her. Once, within the holidays, I actually realized that I felt more balanced since we were not together as if she was some short of weight pulling me downwards.
And I guess this is how it's gonna be from now on, I'll try to be more balanced all by my own.

And see how that goes.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Deal with it

So, we broke up. I asked for it. 
Right now there is only a gap,which pretty much means that I have been avoiding to think about it and it's been three days since it happened. I also haven't told anyone. 
Nobody,at all.
And I'm not even sure why. I guess I've been thinking that once you share it with someone then it's more real you know?
And you know what's the funniest think?I think she's dealing with it in a much healthier way than me. Her first reaction was like denining it,then she was angry and then... I don't know because I haven't seen her yet or spoken to her on the phone.
The thing is that for the past month or so I felt totally neglected like she would never be there for me even if I needed to be with her more than anything.I know how selfish this sounds and it probably is but this is how it has been for me. I've gone through one of the most important exams so far all by myself and God knows I needed some support and some sympathy to help me cope with all this madness. 
But no, she was too busy trying to keep everyone away because, hat's the phase she's going through right now, and does she know why?I don't believe so,I feel so tired, and whats going on in her head right now is like I dunno, a skein and I don't even know how to start unwrapping it, how to get to the center of all her sadness.
So I stay here, keeping my thoughts to myself, measuring my strength until I have the energy to deal with this break up in the appropriate way. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Listen to the falling.

Is there a meaning in continuing the writing of a blog that  no one seems to be reading?
I guess for those of us who believe that the tree actually felt  in the forest, even though  there was not even a soul there to listen to it,hearing the falling yes there is a meaning.  
   Many things have been to the back of my head  since the previous post.
Lot's of stuff about how do I like the new me.
I wouldn't know now since every time there is a situation reminding me to take a little look on the inside I choose to whistle like "it wasn't me" .I watch a movie,play pictionary anything, anything but endoscopy;anything but looking for the pieces.
But you know what?I recently understood that, we may live our lives forward but we understand them backwards.
So we act based on our instincts, ask the heart what to choose, and  then a while later things that used to seam meaningless and small get enlightened with purpose.Because sometimes you just have to let the subconscious take a lead.
And this is how I cope with life the past few days,if I don't feel like doing something even though it's my only opportunity I simply don't.And I  keep hoping that when the time comes and I can finally take a look at the bigger picture the decision would prove to be right.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Solving the puzzle.

      And there comes a day when you don't fit anywhere.
Not in the minus six out there, neither at the twenty six plus on the inside;you don't belong anywhere.
Not among friends, not among lovers not with your family.
It's like there is a gap and you're just trapped in it, as if you are still twelve, and lying at the bottom of the bathtub while it's wet and you have your pajamas on.
So I rewind: what was I doing to get out back then? I dealt with it as if I was a character in a videogame,somewhere around here there is a puzzle and you can get out as soon as you put the pieces together.
Looking around for the puzzle I only find compromise but it was the only way to proceed chasing the dream back then wasn't it?? 
    I moved out when I was eighteen years, and five days old, having planned the next five years of my life pretty much just as they are right now.But so many things changed, I have changed.I've lost whole pieces of my self;some of them gone forever and some others replaced ,with what I thought then was steel ,but only ended up being punch resistant plastic.
So I guess the next piece of the puzzle is how do I like the new me?